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E3 Alliance Info You Should Know Posters

Info You Should Know - Advanced Math

The E3 Alliance work on Advanced Math Pathways eventually led to passing statewide Texas legislation in the 88th Texas Legislature in 2023 that would require all Texas students to take four years of math courses, unless they chose to opt out (as opposed to an opt-in policy previously in place).

This legislation was aimed at improving equitable outcomes so all students, but in particular Black and Hispanic students, would have access to Advanced Math classes.

Info You Should Know - Bright Spots E3 Alliance
Info You Should Know - Remove Learning and In-person learning E3 Alliance
Info You Should Know - Postsecondary Enrollment
Info You Should Know - Dual Credit E3 Alliance

About the Project

E3 Alliance is known for their data-driven approach to changing education systems in Texas. A challenge they often faced was taking all the data they have and getting it in front of their partners in easily consumable ways.

The Info You Should Know series was a chance for E3 Alliance to showcase the latest and greatest data on the most important, most urgent topics of the moment.

I worked with the Research team to comb through data slide presentations searching for the most salient, surprising, and compelling stories on topics ranging from remote vs in-person learning during the pandemic, Dual Credit opportunities, the importance of taking as much advanced math as a high school student, and more.


The E3 Alliance staff, board of directors, community partners, and interested community and education partners

The solution:

  • Copy Writing and Development
  • Photo & Illustration Research
  • Illustration
  • Data Design & Analysis
  • Adobe lllustrator